Sunday, January 3, 2010


I am back from hong kong! Happy and sad at the same time? o_o
k the happy part:
i get to see you again, after 3 weeks!
the sad part:
whenever im by myself, i feel lonely and i miss my mom and dad...

**Didn't really do a count down when i got back simply because we forgot bout the time..

but yea, not only that i miss the days i used to spent with you but also everyone in hong kong, my parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins, nephews.
when i think of it, the world is sooooo big. it wont stop spinning just because of one person. there are so much to do with life.
I finally understand the point of our existence-is to keep the world spinning.
We grow up>go to school>get a job>get married>have babies...
then the babies grow up>go to school>get a job>get married>have babies..
lol very interesting eh?
our goal in life is to reproduce and keep the world going.
sometimes, i would think..wut if one day my parents are gone..? wut am i gonna do? idk.
so i tried to think of something else instead(to put that question aside)

alrite..hopefully everything will be arite.

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