Sunday, January 24, 2010

good dream

So i just woke up from a dream...a good dream.
Me, joanne and a couple of other friends went to like...a field trip.
but the field trip is somewhere far away. *don't remember where.
i remember that someone was asking if we could move to the moon
and joanne said no. but the most similar planet to ours is mars.
then i was like..."joanne, if you move to mars one day then you'll be called
a fob.." LOL - - then she said she had to go home. and i woke up LOL - -
the dream is longer than what i yea.
i have been dreaming so much about you in the past days.
i miss you joanne..)=

what i want...
is to be with you...
just went out with you a moment ago
felt happy at the first but
is feeling sad right now,
after i took you home.
i really wanna spend my days with you...
but i no that i cant.

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