Monday, February 8, 2010

"REAL" people

I have lived for more than 19 years...
each year, i see the world with different perspectives.
no matter if it is people or just life, everything seems
different every year.
Let's just talk about people for now.
It is scary how people can change in time..
Maybe not changing..but as time goes by, i see people with a clearer mind.
who are REAL or FAKE to me? that's the question.
I am kind of lost..because it can get a bit confusing sometimes..
you might think the person is your REAL friend, but once you have put your trust in the he/she..everything would go the opposite way that you wanted to be.
Was I used? Sure i am! just think of lesson?
dun ever trust someone so easily ya?
because you never know what he/she is REALLY doing to you.
Who is REAL to me and who is not?
After what happened to me recently...when i ask myself...
"whos the one that i can REALLY trust?"
the answer would be "hmm, there's one. there's ONE that i can trust..besides all my family members.."
There is only one who i can talk to..about all my problems..

I lived in a simple world...a world with no drama no shit talks..
but now?
oh fuck. i found myself stuck in a complicated world

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