Monday, February 1, 2010


Just got back from riverside with Joanne a moment ago.
it was okayy haha,

..I stayed up until 6am this morning so I can call joanne to make sure she is awake to do her classes registration, but when I called she was already awake haha which is good! then we were going to eat at EAST180 with Stacy. but the kitchen was already closed cuz we woke up late...-_- well then i went to pick her up then . . . jodie and go to mcdonald's haha . . .
On the way to riverside..i got kinda sad cuz..jodie actually knows how to work the ipod thingy in my car more than joanne does...sigh. i was sad didnt talk much when i was driving..
when we got there, we were sitting in ken's frd's dorm watching F R I E N D S for awhile, it was pretty funny haha!
and aaron called so i went hang out with him for a lil bit. he got me dinner and stuff.
then went to ken's dorm watched the last minute of the laker game. too bad they lost...
On the way back i think both of them fell asleep.
i looked at joanne a couple times when she was asleep
she was cute(=
dropped jodie off first then took joanne home.
yep.. but i find it hard to . . be friends with joanne..tho."/

Here's another song called " i am still yours.."




你生日 的第一秒鐘 
用短訊 祝福你快樂  
把手機 和胸口靠著  
等你回頭 說什麼  
等到天 沉默的亮了  
相愛太久 感覺也變朦朧 
你離開 找什麼 讓自己再感動  

堅持抱緊 你的軟弱 
讓你像個 孩子驕傲  
閙情绪 發脾氣 然後淚流  
我的温暖 還是你的  
回來像你 没有走過  
别怕伸手 我不緊握  
深愛是傷裂了還能 温柔

不能忘 你心情寂寞 
匿名看 你每篇博客 
不想讓 愛给你負荷 
連關懷 也遠遠的 
我甘心 眼睛卻红了 
可能失去 也不能阻止我 
把生命 的重心 擺在為你守候 

我的呵護 還是你的  
堅持抱緊 你的軟弱 
閙情绪 發脾氣 然後淚流  
我的温暖 還是你的  
回來像你 没有走過  
别怕伸手 我不緊握  
深愛傷裂了還能 温柔 

我的呵護 還是你的 
堅持抱緊 你的軟弱 
閙情绪 發脾氣 然後淚流 
我的温暖 還是你的 
回來像你 没有走過 
别怕伸手 我不緊握

yea..i am still yours & i'll always give you the best that i can afford."/

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