Tuesday, December 1, 2009

DEC. 1st

AIDS DAY. yep. lol...it has nothing to do me and what im gonna write in this blog. OKAY. sooo after my english presentation and a tiring day yesterday. I had to face another challege! Anthropology paper was due and we had to do a presentation. I slept at around...11:30pm last night and woke up at 4. Soo i barely had time to finish my work. but i still finished it in time...anyyyways. I texted her today with a "Hai(=" & she texted me back! welllll im very excited for next tuesday because we will be going somewheeere together >< heheeee just a few days before i leave for hk. idk if shes excited or not - - but yea. ima miss her so much))=... sigh**** did not really have a chance to talk to her today. i miss her still..aiiiiiii okay. blaaah ok. i do not really know what i can talk about today soooo yea. bye!

-picture taken at tapioca express during senior year! yep.
wanna do that agaaaain with her.)=

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