Monday, November 30, 2009

2 weeks after 1717

Two weeks after the day we broke up. I remember when I asked myself "Wow, it is really over..already?" 14 days went by fast, yet slow at the same time. Whenever I have nothing to do YOU would somehow get into my head and slow down the clock. Even so I would still try to go to bed and rest. Although I could managed to fall asleep yet the pain remains. I know this may sound funny do a person get rejected in a dream? LOL -_-. So many times, when I am asleep, I would dream about asking her out and getting rejected. I know, it sounds funny eh? When I think of it right now, I think that I am a weird person..haha. anywayz. I was really sad last night and I could not fall asleep, that's why I decided to write a blog. When I was still asleep this morning, or should I say afternoon? I looked at my phone and I saw her text! I got really excited just because she texted me! Every one of the text of hers brings me excitement. and I actually texted her "i miss you, jw)=" she replied with "haa..i miss you too" That cheered me up a bit. At least I still exist in her mind right? Only if I had the money..I would ask her to go to HK with me, because I know that I'll miss her even more. OH YEA! I asked if she will go somewhere with me before I head back to HK and she said yes(=. sho happy!! X) I'll give her the x'mas gift on that day! hehe. hope she likes it and the idea of it tho. =_= She signed on after work today and talked to me for a bit. She said she was really tired from work. I wish I could take her to work and take her home from work "/ I wanna take care of her ><. TOO BAD YOU CAN"T ALEX!haaa..*just typed what i said to myself in mah mind. School tomorrow...I hope that she will drop by before my bio class starts. hehe. AHHHH shiba. still got lotta homework to finish up sigh- -. byez

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