Friday, January 8, 2010

A moment ago,

I was just going through all the pictures of us..
They brought back so much memories.
I really miss you right now,
and I wonder if you share the same feelings..
when looking at them.


i just finished reading all the stuff that you have written on your blog..
and i noticed how much you wrote..some were about me.
i am sorry joanne..that i have made you suffered..
im sorry...
i noticed how much you missed me.
how you wanted our love to stayed where it was at a year ago...
i cried.
not just because i want you back at this moment, but also..
mad at myself.
i always had no time for you.
im sorry.
"maybe i...didn't love you..quite as often as i should have.."
but you were always on my mind, joanne.
i noticed how stupid i was back then.
i took your love for granted..
and im scared now...
what decides to stop..texting/calling. me.
what if you just...don't want me anymore.

i really don;t know wut i should do now..
should i text u? or should i wait for u to text me..?
sigh. idk joanne...

but please..
give me a chance joanne wu...

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