Thursday, January 7, 2010


sometimes, we get stuck in between 2 choices. Half of one wants to do such thing while the other half wants to do the opposite. for example, joanne told me on "1717" that half of her wants to give me a chance but the other half doesn't. Its been around two months and i still remember. what made her go with "the other half"? is it because...she does not have trust in me? or... i don't know. really. Stuff might have changed if she thought the opposite. and now it is my turn. but the question for is me: To give up on her or not. i really don't know. she seems to be cold to me sometimes, but the other way sometimes. A few days ago, she told me that she is happy about her life right now. I don't know if she was "hinting" me or not. Although she decided to end our relationship yet i truly believe that it...shows me how important she is. If and only if she gives me a chance, i would not take your love for granted like i did before we broke up. You probably don't even know that i have a blog, so you probably won't have a chance to read this...but..sigh.

Feb. 6th, we are going to LA to see Russell Peters! im looking forward to that but scared at the same time...when are we gonna go out again.after that day?? there is nothing to look forward to..after feb 6th...sigh.

Too much to think about.

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