Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Real Ending

It ended. just a moment ago before she went to sleep.
we took off the "524" together...it was tough. im so not used
to seeing it there..haa..we are really..done. sigh.

there were a lot of stuff that i should've done or could've done.
that i didnt do. haha...maybe we are just not meant to be together?
yea? i don't know. but ill always remember the times we spent together.
*ah fuck, my tears are getting a bit too excited again. - -.
lol, we have done a lot of stuff together mang. yea, a lot.
what more can i say? o_O lolll.
well, im glad that you're happy bout ur life right now...and..uh

joanne wu, i love you. and i just want ya to be happy. kk~
Thank You for all the memories.

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